Spring Break
Okay, I wrote this a long time ago, but never posted so here you go, my post from spring break back in April. (:" Yesterday my parents left after a ten day visit. Now, I am sitting at the computer pouting a little because it is quite lonely in my house after sending them back home, sending Bri back to work, and sending my older girls back to school. We were lucky to have a week without sickness while they were here, and luckily Raegan was finished with her antibiotics from having Strep throat, phneumonia, and an ear infection all at the same time last month. We also had some great days with little or no rain. So, here were our events of spring break... *Went grocery shopping with my mom- I love to do this, she always has some great ideas and fun recipes to try. *Watched conference- Yes, I love General Conference time and it was even better sharing it with grandma and grandpa. *Girls night in- you probably have heard me talk about this before. When the men go to priesthood, we hav...