This last summer we decided to take our family trip to Nauvoo Illinois to see the church history site. We live about 12 to 14 hours away, so we thought we might as well do this while we have a chance. So, Bri took off a few days of work and we packed up the car and did it. The ride was long, but not too bad. We got a few books on tape, a whole lot of movies, books, and we were set. The only one who really had a hard time was Raegan, since she didn't understand the books on tape and she can only take so many movies... Nauvoo was great. Being there and seeing it, really put things into perspective for me. The saints had such a beautiful place and had put so much of their lives into building it and making it their home. We were only there for a day and an evening. We got to see the Nauvoo pageant though, and it was amazing. The next morning I took a run around Nauvoo and the mississippi river. Then, we took a wagon ride, a carriage ride and toured a few of the buildings. I was sad whe...