Tooth Fairy Blunders....

When Teralyn was in kindergarten she had a lovely friend in her class who once put her little tooth under her pillow and guess what she got? No, not just money, but fairy dust too! Wow, amazing huh? We were pretty amazed until our little Teralyn then lost her tooth and put it under her pillow that night all excited about the... fairy dust (not the money)! We just prayed that night that our little tooth fairy would leave fairy dust and luckily she did.

Apparently, the tooth fairy has become a little senile. Yes, she forgets to come to our house sometimes. I don't remember the tooth fairy missing any teeth of mine, so she must just be getting old. We have had about four missing teeth in the last month between Teralyn and Shaylee and we still have about four loose ones to come very soon. I mean, who can keep up?

So, the first night Shay put her tooth under her pillow, the toothfairy didn't come. Yes, major dissapointment! Her explanation was that she was probably hybernating for the winter. We thought that was a perfect explanation. I mean, who would want to come out and go searching for teeth in twenty degree weather?

We also think that she is probably very very busy, and must be santa's helper (because she forgot to come on Christmas eve too). Hmm...well, Teralyn then put her tooth under her pillow and guess what? She forgot to come again. Teralyn's explanation was that the tooth fairy must be a boy (I thought that was a good explanation). Brian didn't think that was too funny.

Well, on the second night the tooth fairy remembered to come, and guess what? She brought fair dust too. Pink for Shay, and blue for Tera. (:


Nat said…
That is so funny. I remember many nights with Kade when the tooth fairy just happened to not come and we just decided that too many people lost teeth the same night. Tough job that tooth fairy has.
Cami said…
Oh man. I'm not excited about those times. I have yet to have to play tooth fairy, and I sure hope my kids never find out about that dust!! Sheesh!
Angie said…
Boy oh boy. It's a very rare occasion that the tooth fairy isn't in hibernation at our house. The older kids have started taking over the job. I loved the reasoning being that it's a boy.
Tracy said…
The tooth fairy only flaked on us one time and that was enough guilt to last a life time. She hasn't forgotten since then -- she also gave more money because she felt so bad for disappointing my son. Please don't tell my girls about the fairy dust!
Dawn said…
I think you have the same tooth fairy as us. She's rubbish, she is always late, NEVER leaves fairy dust and has been known to raid said childs money box for money???? I swear if she wasn't cute I'd fire her
Meg said…
I wrote a story in elementary school about the time the tooth fairy didn't come. It was based on a true story. In the story I wrote the tooth fairy left extra money to make up for it. I don't know if I ever got anything for that tooth in real life.
I never got fair dust!! I usually got a dollar for my molars I thought I was doing pretty good! That is so funny I didn't know that the tooth fairy went into hibernation!! You are so funny!
Jenni said…
Ha!! Sophie had a month were she lost 4 teeth! I was inevitable that the tooth fairy would miss one and sure enough...but Sophie came to the conclusion that the tooth fairy must be on vacation and we went with that!:)

Dawn's comment made me laugh so hard cause our tooth fairy has also been known to raid piggy banks when she's short on cash!!:)
Christie said…
look at those toothless girls! So cute! You know that tooth fairy has missed us a few nights too. It is usually because "you must have been still awake when she peeked in to get your tooth." You know she can't come when kids are awake, they just have to get to bed and go right to sleep.
Anonymous said…
cute idea, Im going to have to remember that.
Anonymous said…
cute idea, Im going to have to remember that.
Brenda said…
Looks like the tooth fairy has been very busy at your house lately. I would be very interested to see fairy dust - sounds like something my girls would have loved. It's surprising how many times we found quarters on the floor under the kids beds the next morning. Sometimes they just didn't stay under their pillows!!!

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