The Birth Story....

I've been putting writing the birth story off because it's not really something I want to relive, but I decided I need to write it to remember some of my feelings and blessings that I have. And of course, to have those of you who are curious to catch up... so here goes...

On the 24th, the morning of the c-section everything was going just fine. Brian was there early, and even though I was a little nervous, we said prayer and felt everything would be okay. The prep was fine, and the surgery started. Brian came in after the spinal and it quickly proceeded. It seemed like it was taking quite a lot longer to get Brynley out than I expected. I started to get the feeling things weren't going well. When they finally did get her out, she didn't cry for quite a while which was scary, but when she finally did we were so relieved. I got to see her for just a minute and then they whisked her away to the NICU.

Then the placenta, which wasn't coming out. I could tell it was taking longer than usual and my doctor seemed a little panicked. Things got pretty intense fast. The next thing I remember is my doctor yelling for someone to get Dr. Lance (the high risk doctor) and then she leaned over and told me that I would need a hysterectomy. They then put me out.

The next time I was awake was at 4:00 in the afternoon. I woke up in the ICU with a breathing tube down my throat and my hands tied to my side. I couldn't communicate at all, but I was so relieved to see Brian by my side. The breathing tube was torture, not being able to even take a breath for myself. I felt like I was suffocating. Since I couldn't talk and I couldn't use my hands, I had no way of letting anyone know. I finally signed with my hands to Brian and after a while of guessing, he understood. He told my doctors, but they didn't take it off for another hour or so. And then they made me promise that I would breathe on my own. I tell you, that was a scary promise. I hope I'm never asked to promise that again. How would I know if I could breathe on my own? But, anything was better than the breathing tube, so of course I gave them a thumbs up.

After I was feeling a little more coherent, Brian explained to me what happened. Apparently my placenta had grown too far into my uterus, a condition called placenta accreta. When my doctor tried to get it out it wouldn't come so she tried cutting it out. It still wasn't all coming and I was losing a lot of blood. She called in for the high risk doctor, Dr. Lance, and the head of the department of gynecology (Dr. Cox). They all three performed the hysterectomy. After they had gotten my uterus out, they still couldn't stop the bleeding. I was given 9 units of blood transfusions. They realized that they would also have to take out the cervix, which they did, and were finally able to stop the bleeding.

Before the surgery, Brian was told that he needed to leave and being a little stubborn he told them, "no he was staying". He finally was escorted out though and led into the prep room where he stayed for two hours. Of course he was furious. They hadn't told him anything for those few hours that he was in that room and he had no idea what was going on. They finally brought Brynley into him after it was all over and explained the situation.

The next couple of days I stayed in the ICU and Brynley stayed in the NICU. Brynley wasn't breathing as well as they would have liked. She also had some eating problems so she was on feeding tubes and IV's. I wasn't able to see her for about four days after the surgery. But, I was grateful for a little picture that someone had taken for me and taped by my bed. This is what would keep my going many times during those first few days.

I received two more units of blood and some antibiotics to help with infections. I was so grateful after a couple of days to finally get out of ICU and into postpartum. Brian stayed with me every day, always by my side. Except at night of course when he went home to sleep. I don't know what I would have done without him. Especially those days in the ICU, apparently they aren't used to patients that are coherent. They also told me they hardly ever get someone from maternity. So they didn't really know how to handle me.... hmmm... that was fun.

Anyway, things were much better after that. I was pretty sore and really worn out, but every day was a little better. After about three days I was finally able to get up to the bathroom and then one or two days later finally got to go see my baby. It was so great after all that time to see Brynley and to actually hold her. It was hard to see all her IV's, and feeding tubes, but she was also improving every day and doing well. Her jaundice had peaked a little, and her billirubin was up to a thirteen, so they put her under the lights for a couple of days.

After the surgery I had many of my nurses and doctors come and visit me. I was so glad to see them. I have definitely made some good friends in the hospital and it will be a little sad to leave them. One of my doctors (Apgar) came and talked to me after. She told me how close I came to losing my life. She gave me a hug and with tears in her eyes and said she was grateful that I was alive and well. We both were a little emotional. Then she told me that I should consider giving blood because that blood saved my life. I have always been a little squeamish about giving blood, but now I am have made up my mind and I'm definitely going to do it.

After six days, they finally discharged me from the hospital (really, after ten weeks of being there, it felt like leaving home or at least something like that). That was the same day that my mom went back home to Utah, which was so sad but I was happy for her to finally get home too.
I tell you, it was so good to be in my own bed that night.
Brynley got discharged the next day. We finally left the hospital for good and oh were we happy.

Okay, okay, sorry for such a long story. I just can't end this though without saying how grateful I am for my life and my little Brynley's life. I feel like so many things that happened were the Lord helping us through this. I couldn't have been more grateful that I was able to move my surgery up a day to have Dr. Hammond deliver her. She is definitely the most experienced of all my doctors. And, even though it was hard to stay in the hospital for so long, I can't even think about what would have happened if I hadn't. There were just so many blessings in all of this. I can't express enough how grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who cares about me and my family. I know now more than ever that he loves and cares about me. I had so many wonderful friends and family members fast and pray for us, and to you all I will be forever grateful. I am so glad to be here with my sweet girls and to be able to raise them.


laurrel said…
I am so glad you and Brinley are home safe and sound. Ahston put tears in my eyes today when I taught her primary class. We talked about gratitude. At the end the kids drew pictures of things they were grateful for. At the end they each came up one by one to share with the class things they are grateful for. Little Ashton had a lot of sentences and the first one was I am thankful for saving mommy.
Annie Mitchell said…
I am so glad you two are both ok. I have to agree with you about Dr. Hammond. She delivered Max. That practice is a great practice. I am happy for your family and wish
I was there to help. Crongrats on your new little girl!
Jenni said…
Brenda, wow I'm not sure what to say. I am so glad you are home with your girls. That had to be the scariest birth story I've ever heard. It made me misty to think of Brian being led out of the room during your surgery. But you are well and and Brynley is well. Thank goodness. I want to go give blood now too! Best wishes as you heal and take care of your precious baby!
Tamela said…
Oh my goodness, reading this makes me cry! I am so sorry you guys had to go through this; how scary it must've been. Brinley must be a very special girl. Love you guys, and I'm SO grateful you're okay!
Jann said…
Amazing event.
Anonymous said…
wow....I can't imagine what was going thru Brian's head when he didn't know anytime!! Congrats on the birth of your new baby daughter and I am OOHH so happy it all turned out okay. :)
ashlee said…
holy crap, brenda. as if you hadn't had a hard enough pregnancy! acretas are rare. thank goodness your doctors jumped into action. i'm so glad you were in good hands and that brinley is healthy and that you are HOME. i hope you continue to recover well--emotionally and physically! hugs to you!
Cami said…
Oh my goodness Brenda! I knew SOME of that, but WOW. We are glad you are both alive and well. What an amazing blessing that they were able to figure out how to save you! You'd be a dead pioneer on the plains for sure. SO scarey. I'm sure you are SO happy to have your sweet baby, and I hope she continues doing well!
Tracy said…
Ohhh, she is adorable! I'm so sorry I haven't been to see you since you've been home. I'm out of town now, but as soon as I get home I'll bring you some food and more magazines!
So glad you are home and well. We love you so much!
Meg said…
You've convinced me to try donating blood again :) I'm so glad that everybody got to come home safe and sound.
Unknown said…
Thanks for writing the story. I heard about it all but it was good to hear your side of it too. Bless you heart. I feel exhausted after just reading about your adventure. What an emotional journey you have had the past several months. I'm so glad you are both home safe and sound. I can't wait to meet Brynley.
Wow!! I'm so glad you are finally home after all of this! Every day is such a precious gift, isn't it? Lots of love to you and your family!
Corinne said…
My friend. How grateful I am for solid, experienced doctors and supportive husbands - and how glad I am for YOU that your experience turned out to be the miracle it was. Clearly, CLEARLY, this sweet girl was absolutely meant to be a part of your family.
Julia said…
What a tearjerker. I need to pull myself back together after reading it. I just live ya so much & know the great blessing of a mother you are to all those beautiful girls you have.
Angie said…
Hi Sis,
I cried the whole time I read this. We are so grateful to Heavenly Father for letting you both stay with us. I love you so much. I can't wait to meet our little niece!
Amber said…
Thanks for sharing this amazing experience with me. You are awesome I am so happy that you are well and home with your sweet family. She is adorable. Congrats.
Thad and Julie said…
Wow. I had only heard part of the story. Thank you for posting this. I'm so glad you're okay! Congratulations on your sweet little Brynley - what a precious blessing!

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