Allergic to Running...

The idea of running a marathon is horrifying to me. Brian got the idea in his head a few months ago that he wanted to run a marathon this year. I thought he was crazy. Slowly, he has been working on me though, and I have finally come to be a little okay with running a half. No, I am still not close at all. Actually, pretty far away from that goal, but at least the idea is starting to sink a little into my head.

Well, just when it started to accept the idea a little I went out and bought some good running shoes. At least so was the claim, and then three days later, I tore my Achilles tendon. After just a couple of days of running, I started to have a pain (which I first thought was an internal blister) and then I just couldn't do it anymore. My ankle hurt so bad. I thought it was related to my sprain last year, so I decided to call the podiatrist. After feeling my tendon crunch back and forth, he concluded that it was torn and put me in a big old boot for four to six weeks!
So here I am, it looks much worse than it is really. It doesn't hurt anymore, but just a little annoying lugging around.

And as for that half-marathon... we shall see. Sorry Bri, you may be on your own.
As my friend Mendy says, "maybe I'm just allergic to running".


Mendy said…
I love the title of your post, Brenda! And I am honestly allergic to running. It's no laughing matter. I don't know if you are allergic, but all I am saying is that it seems to be hazardous to your health!
Jenni said…
Oh no!! That sounds really painful and I'm sorry that now you have to wear a boot for so long - how annoying!
Better than getting pregnant, and not being able to run. I was with you on preparing for a half. Then, this. Oh well, there's next year, right?
Christie said…
I would say allergic! Sounds right. Hope you heal up just shy of that marathon date. :-)
Joni said…
Darn! Nothing like having the best of intentions and getting booted instead!
Thad and Julie said…
Tough luck on the tendon! I've never done that, but I did have bursitis in my ankle and it was no fun! Hope you feel better soon and that you can boot the boot in less time! ;p Good to see your blog Bren!
Deb said…
i KNOW i'm allergic to running. i'm pretty sure it would give me hives. and hearing about your injury makes me cringe! hope all is well soon and you can get back on your early morning running schedule!
Nat said…
I think I am definately allergic to running!! But good for you for letting the idea sink in! :) And glad to see that you are done with the science fair. I was so glad when Kade was done with that. I don't know if you got an email or not, but if not would you go to my blog and read my post about voting for Lauryn for a little contest? Would really appreciate it.
Jann said…
That stinks. Take those shoes back to the store and demand a refund. They should take them back.
Tracy said…
Stop trying to kill yourself! We can enjoy mornings at Ihop relaxing while your hubby goes out and runs. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore. Besides, I'm allergic too.

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