Put on Your Dancing Shoes!!

Okay, so it's been quite a while since I have posted. Well, I have a few excuses. One is that the mouse on our computer broke, another is that I've been crazy busy lately, and last of all, well... I just haven't had a good reason to. But now I do. It actually happened last Friday, so it's a little bit of a catch up, but it's worth mentioning.

Last Friday we had our first annual High School Reunion Dance in our ward. It was sooo much fun! We all dressed up as we would have going to a dance in high school and then danced to all of the good old songs that we loved. We had such a fun time and even Brian danced (fast) with me!! Can you believe it? I guess the Napoleon Dynamite dance has brought him out...

The DJ did a great job of picking out some fast and slow songs from the past and we munched on goodies over a chocolate fountain.
At the end of the night we voted on the "prom king" and the "prom queen". Brian was voted as second attendant with his Letterman's jacket... hee heee! It was funny.

So, if any of you are over activities in your ward, I would suggest doing this one! It was such a good time and we were exhausted from all the dancing we did. Overall I would say the best ward activity that I have been to!


Christie said…
I've said it on all the other blogs, and i will say it here. SO JEALOUS! Sounds like it was a great time. :-)
Cami said…
WOW! That is so nice. I'm glad you guys had a great time, and you looked awesome too Brenda!
Corinne said…
Yeah, I saw some of those Napoleon moves. You two rocked it on the dance floor :) Super fun.
Jenni said…
Fun times definitely!!:)
Scarlett said…
You are so right, it was totally fun! I can't wait til we do it again. :)
That sounds like fun, i would have paid a few bucks to see Brian dance. I bet it looks a bit like Trent's style.
Elizabeth said…
You look just how I remember when we roomed in college together! Clothes and all! Sounds like a fun activity.
Amber said…
Love the jacket!
Emily said…
That's a great idea for a ward activity! Good for Brian for dancing--I wish I could get Nick to do that.
Tracy said…
You two are sooo cute! I love Brian's jacket. Sorry we weren't there -- maybe next year.
Julia said…
Sounds like so much fun! Wish I could've seen you guys!

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