Fall Traditions

Monday was our annual carve pumpkins FHE. I just have to say I was quite proud of myself. I didn't once tell my kids how the pumpkins should look, but we actually let them carve them by themselves!! Yes, it was a little hard for me when I realized Ashtyn was going to carve a tiny teeny face on a huge pumpkin (so I guess I did give a little advice). Anyway, they pretty much did them by themselves and I didn't look until the end, so I wouldn't give my two scents. It was great. The girls were so proud, so there you go!

It's quite hard to have a slow shutter speed with wiggly girls!

Two nights ago we went to Lariland farm to pick apples. I have been promising my kids for ages that we would go, and low and behold this is the last week! So we packed up all the coats and hats (did I have to pick the coldest day we have had yet?) and headed on out. It was quick (we were there for less than an hour), but the rain was coming and we had more apples than I can think to do with, so we headed home. Oh, but before we went, we toured their Boo Barn. Which was kind of cute, but definitely not worth two bucks a kid!! Hmmm... oh well. It's for a good cause right, and my kids liked it. So, even though the whole trip was really quick it was fun and my kids even THANKED us for going!! That made me happy.


Jenni said…
What great fall activities!! I love the pumpkins - your girls did a great job! And how fun it is to go apple picking!! Glad you guys had fun even though it was so chilly!
Deb said…
very fun! have you tried making applesauce? it's easy and it's really good. the boys loved it with a little cinnamon. very autumnal. :)
Tracy said…
You are braver than I am. That day was soooo cold! I can't believe you went. Those pumpkins looked great! Good job letting your girls do them on their own.
Christie said…
Oh their pumpkins are cute... I bet they were proud. I am such a control freak, I would have to leave the room to keep my mouth shut. :-) Good job letting em at em.
Cami said…
How fun! Too bad it was so cold. I love the pumpkins. At least they'll carve them! My kids get to the scooping part and give up.
ashlee said…
love fall on the east coast! and great pumpkins. keegen only managed to cut one eyeball out of his pumpkin face and we just left it at that.
Emily said…
The pumpkins are so cute. I would also be the mom who would give so much input that in the end, it would practically be my pumpkin. Good for you for staying back a little :)
It looks cold! I have a hard time not telling my kids how to do whatever fun project we are doing. Good for you for holding back.
Spilter said…
I love that last picture it is awesome. Your pumpkins are awesome.
How darling!

Hey! Does that Shelfari picture mean that you're reading #9 now? Your biggest Prelude to Glory advocate, Mom

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