Gotta love being a parent...

Just when I got done telling Brian what a crazy day I have had, we found this....

Yes, she found the lotion and the toilet paper...


Cami said…
Holy cow!! Ha! What a funny girl
Christie said…
OH MY!!!! LOL, Great post! Quick thinking to get the camera!
Jann said…
That is funny. It is great that you took pictures. I wish I had done that with the many messing my kids got into.
Jenni said…
Wow, that is a lot of lotion on her head!! I think snapping pictures and blogging are the best response to incidents like that!:)
Tracy said…
She just wanted to be featured in your blog! Her face will soooo smooth!
Jeri said…
I am so glad you took pictures! I love the drip down her nose! Too funny!

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