A Little Bit of my Life...

I just have to blog about how much I have been loving this school year. I was trying to decide what has made it so great for me and here are the reasons:

1. First and foremost, for the first time since Teralyn was eight months old, I have a couple of hours to myself each day!! Yes, this is my favorite part of all. My two oldest girls are in school, my little Ashtyn is at preschool in the afternoon or a friend's house (on Tuesdays and Thursdays we trade off, but when they are here, I don't even see them!), and my little Raegan takes a nap at 12:30 until 3:00. Therefore, I have a couple of hours all to myself for reading, blogging, catching up on bills, whatever. And it is so great!

2. I'm not pregnant. GASP! I know, I know, how could I say such a thing? I have many friends out there who LOVE to be pregnant and say they would do it again, just for the pregnancy part. And, more power to you my friends! But no, I am not one of those people. No matter how hard I try, I really don't love to be pregnant. Sickness, vericose veins, hormone moodiness, getting bigger and bigger, and I could go on, but I won't... There are a few things about it that I like, (being able to feel my sweet baby move!), but for the most part, I'm not going to pretend. I do love being a mommy though!!!

3. Not nursing. Yes, it seems I am constantly pregnant or nursing and therefore not sleeping. I do enjoy nursing, that time with my sweet babies is such a great bonding time, but it feels so good to get a good nights sleep I tell you!

4. Getting up at 6:30 in the morning. This is one of the best things that I have done for myself. I am totally a night owl, just so you know. Ask my family, they will all testify to that. I don't think I have EVER gotten out of bed before my husband in all the 9 1/2 years we have been married. I just really don't do well. But, this year I have made a goal to get up and exercise before my kids are up and then take a shower. I have to say, it has been the best thing for me. It's amazing how different and happier I feel.
Just a side note to that.... In high school my dad made me memorize the scripture "Early to bed, early to rise" you know the one. Yes, he made me MEMORIZE it!

5. My kid's ages. My kids are all in such great stages. Tera and Shay are best friends and get along so well. Ashtyn has mostly outgrown her tantrum phase, although sometimes it still pops up. Raegan is loving learning everything around her. She does get into EVERYTHING and we frequently catch her standing on counters, etc. But, oh she is so fun and usually happy.

6. My scriptures. I have recently made time for "real" scripture study and notes and oh how it has made a difference in my attitude.

7. Oprah. Yes, I love to watch Oprah. Mostly because after I watch it, I want to do so much better.

8. My routines. This year I wrote down all my goals and routines. This has helped me so much to get my things done that I need to. No, it hasn't been perfect, that's for sure, but It's getting better every day and I actually LIKE to clean my house. AMAZING mom, isn't it?

9. And lastly, my eating habits. I am trying really hard to eat better. I am actually eating oatmeal in the morning (which I used to detest!) but it makes me feel so good. Is it mental, I'm not sure, but I love it. I am trying to cook better for my family, more fruits and veggies, less processed foods etc. It has been going pretty good. It helps a whole bunch to have my meals all planned (refer to routines). Usually I just make a list of what sounds good for the next week, shop for that, and then pick one of those meals each day. It works out well because I don't have to make what I'm not in the mood for.
I have to say though, with my healthy eating plan, I still love my chocolate and won't be giving that up any time soon...


Joni said…
You go! You know how much I love routines and all that. It's fun seeing how we have the same goals and the same things work to make life a bit easier. Enjoy this stage and kudos for running in the snow. I could not do that:)
Christie said…
Wow, you've really go it together! I love it when life goes like this. I tried to get myself to change from a night owl to an early bird... didn't work, just found that less and less was getting done. I am so much more productive at night. Oh well. :-) Good for you.
Meg said…
Maybe some day I will have to try getting up earlier :D I'm definitely more of a night owl. I'm with you on the pregnancy thing.
Great list! I've been thinking about a lot of those things too. So it IS possible to get out of bed at 6:30, huh? I'm sure I could do it but I don't think I have the discipline.
oh, I also got the flylady book! I'm so excited to dive into it and get going! :)
Julia said…
You sound like you just have everything balanced... but you were already the "wonder woman" anyway.

Every once and a while I think about how cool it is when I could feel my babies kicking inside... but 9 times out of 10 I'm more grateful that they are already here. I do love nursing, but pregnancy is another story.
Tracy said…
This is so cute. First of all, you are making me feel guilty about not eating healthy food. And how could you not love being pregnant and nursing? You could eat whatever you want without the guilt!
So glad you're enjoying your free time. Your girls can come over here any time you need a break! I think it's time we took Ashtyn to Olive Garden again!
Deb said…
way to go, brenda! that's awesome! i feel like my kids are in (mostly) good stages right now, too. it's nice to have a break from pregnancy/babies and get to enjoy the other kids! i love samuel/raegan's age where they're so excited about learning new things. and a little time alone each day? it's wonderful! enjoy it!
Jenni said…
Awesome Brenda! I totally admire the waking up at 6:30 to exercise part - wow!! I need to be like that someday!:) And I love Oprah too.:)
Corinne said…
Friend, that is AWESOME! What an inspiring list, I'm thrilled for you :)
I feel you on the pregnant thing. I used to LOVE the pregnancy. Now, it's just hard. I'm tired, my veains hurt, drs' appt. , sick, tired some more. This was so easy at 20. Not so much at 30. And, I'm trying to ween Emma while pregnant. It's painful. The best part for me right now, I am done after this. I know it, I'm okay with it, and the thought makes me happy.
The only part I don't agree with you on. Oprah. Not a big fan. Although, I would LOVE for her to come and make over my home. It would make this remodleing process go a lot faster!.

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