Shay's B-day, Maple syrup, and Cryosurgery

This last week has been a little crazy for our family. Most of us have been sick (except Brian, Shay, and I) so it's been fun battling fevers and antibiotics, but also trying to do field trips, volunteering at school, doctors appointments, science projects, birthdays, basketball, ballet, iceskating etc. Whew!! I'm glad it's over. Although today is a catch up day on Tera and Shay's science projects, so I will let you know if we survive or not.

Okay, a little recap on some of the things we did this last week.

*I went on a really fun field trip with Ashtyn and her preschool. We went to Brookside Nature Center to see the Maple tree farm they have. I have to tell you, it was one of my favorite field trips I have ever been on. We got to see the sap from the Maple trees come out and into the buckets and we got to taste the real maple syrup. It was so yummy. It's going to be hard to go back to the fake stuff... We learned all about photosynthesis and it even stopped raining for us when we went outside. It was great.

*I had cryosurgery on Thursday. This was in response to an abnormal annual exam that I had about two months ago. After the results came back, my doctor did a colposcopy and a biopsy. Apparently the biopsy said I have mild dysplasia, which could lead to cancer if left untreated, so I had to get it frozen off this week. Luckily, it wasn't that bad. It turned out to be two minutes of freezing, one minute of rest and then two more minutes of freezing and it was done. The first two minutes were a little painful, but the last two were fine. Just glad it's over. The rest of the day I spent in bed, but by the morning it felt as if nothing happened.

*Major science project makeup day. I vowed I would not do science projects this year, but of course Brian insisted, so here we are...

*Shay's 7th birthday. Yes, she's seven. She looks older, but she's just very tall. I remind her on a continual basis that it's good to be tall, I all too well remember being taller than everyone in elementary school and of course all the boys too. It can be tough, but she does very well with it.

Shay's cousin shares a birthday with Shay and his mom wrote a few things we may not know about him for his birthday, so I think I will do the same. Thanks for the idea Kelli!

1. Shay sucked her thumb vigilantly until she was six. Despite all the tactics we tried, nothing worked until she finally decided that she wanted to and oh, it was a happy day when it finally came!

2. Shay had kidney reflux when she was five months old. She had a UTI for about three weeks and had to go in the hospital for four days. She then was on antibiotics until she was eighteen months old.

3. Shay is the most daring daughter I have. She climbs trees, puts her face in the swimming pool (that's saying a lot!), pets dogs, picks up bugs, and ice skates until she falls down at least ten times.

4. When Shay was 18 months old, she was twirling around in the living room with her sister, fell on the entertainment center, cut her lip open and had to have stitches. I had to leave the room when they strapped her up in a burrito to get the stitches in.

5. When I was seven months pregnant with Shay, I went into a routine doctor's appointment and found out I was in labor and dialated to a four. The doctor sent me to the hospital (we had barely moved to Maryland and I had NO idea where it was so the assistant drove me over and then picked up Brian and Tera), and I was admitted to the hospital for four days. After that I was on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy, but still made it to 38 weeks. The doctor saw me after and said, "I can't believe you didn't have that baby that night." We were pretty blessed.

Happy birthday Shay!

Thinking of a wish...


Julia said…
Happy Birthday Shaylee!!! I can't believe she's 7! I mean, I see my girls' growing up, so I guess that means yours are too, but time just goes by too fast!

I'm glad the surgery went well. Sometimes the medical tests are worse than the actual surgery. But it's great they found out what it was & got it taken care of for you!
Christie said…
Happy Birthday! I am glad that you are ok after surgery, and that your busy week is over. i hope things are a little slower for you this week.
Emily said…
The maple tree farm sounds like a lot of fun. Happy Birthday to Shaylee--being tall really IS great :)
Cami said…
Happy Birthday Shaylee! And I'm glad you are ok. I didn't even know about your surgery! Sheesh! Did you get some meals, or do you need to set that up for yourself . . . :)
Deb said…
happy birthday, shaylee! and we loved their science projects. they were both so interesting - and had nothing to do with floating eggs! :)
Tracy said…
We love Shaylee! Happy birthday to such a sweet girl. Sophia saw this post and was wondering where her invite was for the party. I informed her that she's so lucky that I'm not a every other year birthday party mom :)
So glad your procedure went well. Hope Brian is well too :)
Those pictures are adorable!
Jeri said…
What busy week. I am sorry I am late, but I am glad the surgery went well.

Happy Birthday to Shay! She is so darling! I love being able to see her every Sunday!

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