The knee walk....

Raegan hasn't quite learned to walk on her feet yet, but she has pretty much mastered the knee walk! When she gets really excited for something, she will even give some jumps....

(There is a video in this blank space above, just click on the play button in the lower left).

This past week has been a sick week for my little babe. After five days of really high fever, I finally took her in to the doc. and insisted that we have a catheter done to see if she had a UTI (we have a history of UTI's in our girls). Well, it was no fun for anyone and resulted in Raegan screaming and me trying to comfort her and then of course, her peeing all over me!! I guess that's what I get for insisting on a catheter. Right when we got home she broke out in a huge rash and it ended up being Roseola.

So, things are better, Raegan's fever is down and her rash is going away. Now to work on those walking skills....


Julia said…
That is hilarious! It rivals the "bum-scooter crawl." Sorry to hear she was so sick. Man, doctor visits are no fun.... especially for ones so little. Hope she gets feeling better soon!
Jenni said…
She is so cute!! I love the knee walk!! So sorry she was so sick! That doctors appt sounded awful!
Cami said…
Oh, I hope she continues to feel better! The knee walk is awesome!
Erin said…
That little girl is so darling! I can't wait for you to come out here! I miss you all so much!
Jann said…
Very cute video. No fun to have a sick baby.
Meg said…
That was such a cute video! She is just darling. I'm glad that she is getting better.

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