Ashtyn's first people picture
Ashtyn this morning asked for paper and a pencil and for the first time drew a picture that wasn't just scribbles! Shay and I were quite excited and she was pretty proud of herself. So, here is Grandpa and daddy...

Every day I am asked if I will get down the makeup. It's only on rare occassions when I feel particularly nice, (or should I say busy since it occupies them for quite a while) that I give in. Sunday morning before bath, Ashty had a hayday with makeup, and here's proof (:

Every day I am asked if I will get down the makeup. It's only on rare occassions when I feel particularly nice, (or should I say busy since it occupies them for quite a while) that I give in. Sunday morning before bath, Ashty had a hayday with makeup, and here's proof (:
I could just squish her...look at all that makeup. (I haven't bought any for Natalia. I should so she would stay out of MINE!)