Rock Climbing!
My greatest accomplishment this week is that I made it to 36 weeks!! I am quite excited, and so is Bri. The only down side now though is that Bri lets me do things for myself. I have to say it was quite nice to have him do my dirty work, (ex: carry the laundry upstairs). Now he just looks at me and smiles... hmmm...
I thought this week would never get here. The OBGYN says after 36 weeks they won't stop my labor if it happens. That makes me relieved, but also a little nervous. I decided I should probably start getting ready for this little babe! I finally pulled out the baby clothes and washed them. This is a great picture of all the pink we have! I didn't realize I have ingrained it into my girls at such an early age. No wonder Ashtyn is obsessed with pink!!!
We have been rock climbing before, but my girls have never been so brave as they were today! Yay! Teralyn climbed about halfway up the wall and Shay made it to about a third of the way. Quite the accomplishment.

Brian's first chance at rock climbing! He made it to the top even though he went to bed at 4:00 last night (we stayed up talking to Michelle).

(Michelle and Ashty) Ashtyn and I hung out and watched everyone rock climb. We had a great time with the crayons and walking in tire chips. Ashtyn has to wait until she is five and I have to wait until, well I can...

The girls went swimming with the Walburgers and Terry girls after. Brian bribed Tera and Shay with candy bars if they would float on their back for ten seconds (we have been working on this for a while now). Ashty watched the whole thing and decided it was time for Brian to learn. She spent the last ten minutes trying to get her dad to float by pushing his head down and pulling his ears! I think she almost drown him. Michelle and I had a good laugh.
I thought this week would never get here. The OBGYN says after 36 weeks they won't stop my labor if it happens. That makes me relieved, but also a little nervous. I decided I should probably start getting ready for this little babe! I finally pulled out the baby clothes and washed them. This is a great picture of all the pink we have! I didn't realize I have ingrained it into my girls at such an early age. No wonder Ashtyn is obsessed with pink!!!
We have been rock climbing before, but my girls have never been so brave as they were today! Yay! Teralyn climbed about halfway up the wall and Shay made it to about a third of the way. Quite the accomplishment.
Brian's first chance at rock climbing! He made it to the top even though he went to bed at 4:00 last night (we stayed up talking to Michelle).
(Michelle and Ashty) Ashtyn and I hung out and watched everyone rock climb. We had a great time with the crayons and walking in tire chips. Ashtyn has to wait until she is five and I have to wait until, well I can...
The girls went swimming with the Walburgers and Terry girls after. Brian bribed Tera and Shay with candy bars if they would float on their back for ten seconds (we have been working on this for a while now). Ashty watched the whole thing and decided it was time for Brian to learn. She spent the last ten minutes trying to get her dad to float by pushing his head down and pulling his ears! I think she almost drown him. Michelle and I had a good laugh.
I have to say I LOVE that big stack of pink clothes! =) I bet you are getting excited.