Camping in the snow!!
I can't believe spring break is over! Usually I am a little excited to get the kids back in school, but not this time. I have really really enjoyed not having to wake up early and push my kids out the door. Then to go back two hours later to pick Shay up for preschool and then a few more hours later to pick up Tera. It's been great, I'm just sad it's over.
Life moves on though right? Okay, quick summary of my week:
Monday- Outside all day in the sun!
Tuesday- Zoo and Lonestar
Wednesday- Maryland Science center
Thursday- hmmm... can't remember
Friday- doctor's appointment (yippeeee! Jk) oh, and first
sleepover for the girls!
Saturday- swimming lessons, birthday party, Ashtyn sick,
painting Easter eggs
Sunday- Easter
Monday- Easter Egg Roll at the White House, FHE
My doctor's appointment left me relieved in a way, but also a little nervous. I am now dilated to a one and fifty percent effaced. I was glad I wasn't further than I am (because at this time for my last two I was put on bed rest). She told me to take it easy and come back on Tuesday for a test that can give her a better idea of where I am. Yay for no bed rest!!!
So, Friday night was quite an adventure. I told Laurrel I would watch cute little Kenzie while a group of people went to the White house to wait in line all night for the annual Easter Egg Roll tickets! I was grateful Bri said he would do it, cause I wasn't even going to consider it! Anyway, he put on about three layers of clothes and brought a warm sleeping bag so he thought he would be fine. Well, it turns out that it snowed that night for the first time in how long??? The weather was freezing and everyone was trying to survive that night! Wow, what sacrifice huh? I had to laugh when he came home that morning soaking wet, and zonked out on the bed for a few hours.
I had quite the adventure that night also. The girls have never had someone stay over night, (at least not for a couple of years) so they were quite excited. I mistakenly thought they would be tired and go right to sleep. I don't know what I was thinking. I put them to bed about 8:30 and boy was that a mistake! I think I just about went into labor for all the times I went up the stairs to tell them to go to sleep! Ahhh! Around ten, I finally turned on the t.v. to block out the giggles and tried to zone out... Around 10:30 they fell asleep. Thank goodness for the television. I think it kept me sane (:

Saturday Ashty got sick and couldn't keep anything down. She didn't even want to eat (which is very unusual for our Ashty poo!) Anyway, she quietly watched as we painted our eggs, and insisted on sitting in dad's lap through the whole thing. I think Bri was a little flattered that she has decided to be such a daddy's girl lately. Her fever developed in the evening and we had a fun night with buckets and Tylenol. I'm sure you can imagine (: In the morning she was still sick, but the Motrin must have kicked in for a while because she sure enjoyed her egg hunt!

The Easter Egg roll was quite fun. All except I didn't explain the rolling of the egg part to my kids and they just about flipped out. We finally got to the front of the line and they had a bunch of kids line up to roll a boiled Easter egg. They gave them big spoons to push across the lawn. Why didn't I realize that my kids would freak out? That's just the way they are when they don't know what's going on. So, someone said, "on your mark, get set, go!". Tera got the idea that she was in a big race, she gave her egg one big push which went the opposite direction (that's how coordinated my girls are), and saw that she lost, so she threw her spoon and refused to go another inch. Meanwhile, Brian was getting more and more upset, and everyone ended up mad or crying. We were in great spirits.

Well, all was not lost. Tera decided to try and have fun and we actually got a picture of her smiling in the Easter Egg hunt. At the end, Brian even said he would wait in line next year... hmm... we will see I guess.

Mail man from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

Denise Austin and Shrek doing aerobics!
Michael Leavitt and wife reading a book
Life moves on though right? Okay, quick summary of my week:
Monday- Outside all day in the sun!
Tuesday- Zoo and Lonestar
Wednesday- Maryland Science center
Thursday- hmmm... can't remember
Friday- doctor's appointment (yippeeee! Jk) oh, and first
sleepover for the girls!
Saturday- swimming lessons, birthday party, Ashtyn sick,
painting Easter eggs
Sunday- Easter
Monday- Easter Egg Roll at the White House, FHE
My doctor's appointment left me relieved in a way, but also a little nervous. I am now dilated to a one and fifty percent effaced. I was glad I wasn't further than I am (because at this time for my last two I was put on bed rest). She told me to take it easy and come back on Tuesday for a test that can give her a better idea of where I am. Yay for no bed rest!!!
So, Friday night was quite an adventure. I told Laurrel I would watch cute little Kenzie while a group of people went to the White house to wait in line all night for the annual Easter Egg Roll tickets! I was grateful Bri said he would do it, cause I wasn't even going to consider it! Anyway, he put on about three layers of clothes and brought a warm sleeping bag so he thought he would be fine. Well, it turns out that it snowed that night for the first time in how long??? The weather was freezing and everyone was trying to survive that night! Wow, what sacrifice huh? I had to laugh when he came home that morning soaking wet, and zonked out on the bed for a few hours.
I had quite the adventure that night also. The girls have never had someone stay over night, (at least not for a couple of years) so they were quite excited. I mistakenly thought they would be tired and go right to sleep. I don't know what I was thinking. I put them to bed about 8:30 and boy was that a mistake! I think I just about went into labor for all the times I went up the stairs to tell them to go to sleep! Ahhh! Around ten, I finally turned on the t.v. to block out the giggles and tried to zone out... Around 10:30 they fell asleep. Thank goodness for the television. I think it kept me sane (:
Saturday Ashty got sick and couldn't keep anything down. She didn't even want to eat (which is very unusual for our Ashty poo!) Anyway, she quietly watched as we painted our eggs, and insisted on sitting in dad's lap through the whole thing. I think Bri was a little flattered that she has decided to be such a daddy's girl lately. Her fever developed in the evening and we had a fun night with buckets and Tylenol. I'm sure you can imagine (: In the morning she was still sick, but the Motrin must have kicked in for a while because she sure enjoyed her egg hunt!
The Easter Egg roll was quite fun. All except I didn't explain the rolling of the egg part to my kids and they just about flipped out. We finally got to the front of the line and they had a bunch of kids line up to roll a boiled Easter egg. They gave them big spoons to push across the lawn. Why didn't I realize that my kids would freak out? That's just the way they are when they don't know what's going on. So, someone said, "on your mark, get set, go!". Tera got the idea that she was in a big race, she gave her egg one big push which went the opposite direction (that's how coordinated my girls are), and saw that she lost, so she threw her spoon and refused to go another inch. Meanwhile, Brian was getting more and more upset, and everyone ended up mad or crying. We were in great spirits.
Well, all was not lost. Tera decided to try and have fun and we actually got a picture of her smiling in the Easter Egg hunt. At the end, Brian even said he would wait in line next year... hmm... we will see I guess.
Mail man from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
Denise Austin and Shrek doing aerobics!
Michael Leavitt and wife reading a book
It looks like the Easter Egg Roll was the big event this year. EVERYONE'S blog is about the roll! Maybe we'll have to do it when we're back home?
I had to smile about Tera's reaction to the egg roll! You will have to go next year...she'll KNOW what to do, and love it.