The Grocery Store

I hope I can laugh at this someday...

So this morning I headed to the grocery store with my two little girls. When I go with both Raegan and Ashtyn I don't expect to get much because, well, I just don't have room. Ashty insists on sitting on the front and I put Raegan in her car seat in the cart, so I have about three inches on both sides of Asthyn and about two inches on both sides of Raegan. Well, today I thought our trip would be great since Raegan had just woken up from a nap and was fed and happy.

First of all, I headed to the deli counter, thinking I would get some meat and cheese for a quick meal tonight. There were two people in front of me, so Ashty, Raegy, and I all waited patiently. After a while of waiting, Ashty got a little impatient and started yelling for polka-dot cheese (Swiss). I told her we needed to wait our turn. Well, we waited and waited to no avail. Just then a third person showed up to wait in line, and Raegan started crying. I bent down to put the Binky in and when I got up, the third person was being helped before us. I know, the good thing would be to forget it and wait my turn, but by then I had had it, so we decided against sandwiches for tonight and headed for the other things on our list.

I guess I got a little carried away because the cart was beginning to pile up and I was starting to put things on top of my kids. That didn't make the situation any easier.

When we got to the milk, Ashty saw the juice and begged for the pink kind. I told her the pink kind she wouldn't like (grapefruit juice) and that we could get another kind. Well, she started screaming! I tried my darndest to ignore it, and quickly moved to the check out line. By then, Raegan was starting to get fussy so I prayed the lines were short. When we got to the line a man got there around the same time I did, so I put on a smile and let him go first. After a couple of minutes a lady came behind me and, seeing that I had more things than she did, asked me if she could go ahead of me. Yes, I still had two screaming children with food piled on top of them. I bit my lip, and let her go.

When I finally checked out, the cashier was laughing at me, my kids were both still crying and I was ready to scream...

I feel better now.


Meg said…
Awww, I feel for you! That will be me in a couple of months. I don't know you do it with multiple children. One is bad enough a lot of the time for me!
Julia said…
Wow, Brenda you sure are a nice person to just allow other people to go in front of you in line while your kids are screaming at the same time. Talk about being kind, you're amazing. I think if someone cut in front of me while my babies were screaming, I'd give them a sarcastiv, "you've got to be joking look." No, seriously, though, If my babies were ever screaming I would just give people a sympathetic, worn-out mother look & they would quickly give me a place in line. Plus, it's to their advantage too... they no longer have to hear your screaming baby. Guess it just depends on how much the society around you loves children or not.
Joni said…
Um, so are all the shoppers at Weiss CLUELESS?! (I'm assuming that's where you were.) Who asks a mother with crying children if they can go ahead of her? Or cuts in front of her at the deli counter? I probably wouldn't have said anything either but I would have seethed with rage. We are both too nice for our own good.

(Ah yes, the classic "pile food around the car seat" shopping method. I had wondered if I was the only one who had to do that!)
Jenni said…
I feel so bad for your shopping excursion! I can't believe you got cut in front of that many times - those meanies!! Glad that blogging about it helped you feel better!! :)
Tracy said…
I'm sorry you had such a frustrating trip. I hope you grabbed a candy bar for yourself when you checked out. You deserve it.
Jeri said…
I would have done the exact same thing Brenda! I am sorry you had a bad trip to the store. It feels so nice to be home though.
Jann said…
What a super human mom. I mean, why did that man not let you go first, and amazing that the woman asked to go in front of you. Major points for letting them go first.
Christie said…
I can't believe the nerve of some people. Like the person at the meat counter didn't see that you were there waiting, and the lady didn't see that you had screaming kids. Crazy!! I am glad you are better now. I hate the grocery store with kids.
Kellie said…
Brenda! I was right there with you just a few years ago! You have my sympathies, my hugs and my admiration for keeping your cool. I hope that someday you will read this a get a teeny tiny smile of triumph on your face.
Cami said…
Brenda! There are at LEAST 3 times you should have stood up for yourself there! And maybe 4 by NOT going to the grocery store with kiddies!! Man, that is no good. This is why Jake does all the shopping in my house. I just hate the grocery store, especially with kids.

You are an amazing mommy to attempt and make it through such an experience, and I'm sure you did it with a smile and a quiet voice, which is more than I could have done!
Corinne said…
MAN. Brenda, that was seriously rough. It is surprising to see how thoughtless people can be. Way to go for keeping your cool :)
Amber said…
You are a good woman! I can't believe she asked to go in front of you. You are so sweet. What a story!
Deb said…
ah, shopping with small children.... they seem so content until you get into a store, then something about the florescent lights or perhaps our added tension brings out their worst! but wouldn't it be boring to go shopping and just get the items on your list and be done? :)
Julia said…
Wow. What a trip. Did they only have one checkout line open? Good grief!! I understand about the 'piling' things, though. I only grab one of those hand-baskets and usually manage to fill it so full I can barely lift it.

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