A mouse in my house!!

Okay, so this last week has been a little crazy. I am relieved it's over. Let me recap it.

As you know, Teralyn's birthday was Monday. So on Tuesday, Raegan turned four months (I will put some pictures in at the bottom) and Brian left for Boston (a business trip for a few days). So that night I was sitting at the computer and wouldn't you know it, I hear a mouse eating something under the piano!!! I could have died! I detest mice more than anything in the world. One time in our apartment in Logan I saw one and I grabbed Teralyn and waited all day on the couch for Brian to get home! Well, I guess it was just my luck that the day that he left, I find a mouse in my house. I quickly ran upstairs and of course dreamed all night about it and couldn't sleep. I even put sneakers on to feed Raegan in the night. Ahhh!

Well, Wednesday morning we walked to school and then I went to presidency meeting until 12:00. Then I came home and put Raegan and Ashtyn down for a nap and stayed upstairs until I had to pick up my other girls at 3:30. That night we had to be home because we were taking someone dinner (I just made sure I wore tennis shoes all day). I was planning on going to Target to get some traps, but my kids were tired and hungry so I decided I could wait one more night.

I called Bri that night to let him feel my pain (I don't really think he did though, he has no idea how much I hate mice!). He assured me that it wouldn't go upstairs though so I was fine to be in our room. So I quickly rushed to bed, where I was safe, thinking I could get a few chapters in my book read before going to sleep. Wouldn't you know it, the mouse decided to join me and just when I started reading it ran into my room and up into the loft!!! By this time I was going crazy! I turned on a light downstairs, hoping it would go down and jumped into the middle of my bed and prayed it wouldn't come in with me! There goes another sleepless night. I did finally fall to sleep, but only to dream all night about Ratatouille.

So far I hadn't told my kids about the mouse. I figured it would scare them too much. Well, the next morning we were eating breakfast and we hear the mouse eating too, and loudly!! The girls freaked out and ran upstairs. I assured them that they would be gone most of the day and I would buy a trap and get it. The problem was, I was secretly scared to death to set a trap! I knew that if I actually did catch the mouse that I wouldn't be able to get rid of it. I didn't let them know that though. Well, after preschool, Astyn, Raegan and I went to Target and got about 20 mouse traps and then went out to lunch (there was no way I was going home if I didn't have to). We stayed quite a long time at McDonald's play land and finally I decided it was time to get Raegan down for a nap. Right after school Shay had basketball. I was very relieved that we had one more thing to keep us away. We finally came home, ate a quick dinner and then Bri called. He was able to change his flight and was coming home two hourse early (for fifty extra bucks, but it was worth it!!). When I got my kids in bed, Bri came home about an hour later and I have never been so happy to see him! He set the traps for me (: and examined the whole house.

Well, turns out, we have no idea what happened to him. Since that morning I haven't heard or seen another sign of a mouse in the house. All of the eighteen traps we have set haven't been touched and there is no more munching under the piano. Yes, we did see where he has been hiding out, but who knows what happened. I am beginning to think that he is dead... Hallelujah. Now the problem is, where is he dead?

Okay, so on the better topics, Bri and went on a date on Friday and saw Hairspray! I loved it. Bri is not really a musical kind of man, but he enjoyed it too... I think. We had a great time and it was so nice to be on a date with my hubby!

Saturday we had a half sleepover birthday party for Teralyn. It started at five o'clock and went until ten o'clock. Yes, five hours. We also had every single one of the thirteen girls come that were invited. It was a little crazy at moments, but turned out great thanks to Brian's Twister tournament. Whew! I never have enough planned for these things.

First we had a fun craft where we filled sand into pens, necklaces, and bracelets. The girls loved this, but it went a little too fast. Next we had pizza and listened to the High School Musical CD. Then Bri made up a little Twister tournament, which they loved! Then, we went out for a pinata (what's more fun than a pinata right?). We then came in for presents, cake and ice cream and then finally went downstairs with pillows, blankets and pj's for a movie. We timed it just right and parents showed up right when the movie finished. Tera had a blast, but she did say once, "I think you guys are more excited for my party than I am." She was probably right about that one (:

Sunday I had to give a talk on Tragedy or Destiny. Okay, so it has been five years since I have given a talk in Sacrament meeting! Yes, I knew it was going to be my turn any day now, so I wasn't too surprised when I was asked. I had prepared it last Sunday, (thank goodness since I spent the whole week stressing about mice and birthday parties), so on Sunday I just reviewed it with Brian to see if it made sense. Well, it wasn't as terrifying as I remember and it turned out fine. Here's hoping for another five years right?

Raegan at four months

Things I love about Raegan

*She loves to blow raspberries.
*She grunts when she's not happy.
*She gives awesome smiles!
*She loves to giggle when I play patty cake with her (:
*The nurse one time told me that she is the strongest baby she has ever seen (she was trying to take a rectal temperature).
*I was also told by a pediatric nurse once that she has the loudest scream she has ever heard from a baby!! (pretty good Raegy!)
*She breaths in loudly when she's excited.
*She loves her binky, but prefers her fist.
*She drools so much that sometimes I have to change her outfits three times a day.
*Speaking of changing outfits, I usually have to change mine about twice a day (due to spit ups).
*She rolls onto her belly when we put her down for a nap.
*She has at least one blow out a day (call me if you need advice on how to get poop stains out).
*She has big and alert bright eyes.
*She sticks out her tongue when she smiles (even in her ultrasound).
*She balances on hands quite well (that one's from Brian).


Tracy said…
We had mice too and set the traps. We actually caught a bunch of them, but I'm like you, I couldn't even look at or set a trap. Chris had dead mouse cleaning up duty. We also had one die up in the rafters where we couldn't reach him, but we smelled him for about 2 weeks. Yuck! So I feel your mouse pain. It's so disgusting knowing they're running around your house -- oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that, but I've lived it too. Sophia LOVED your fun party. You are amazing that you did it all before your wonderful talk in church. You did a super job!
Jann said…
Oh, I hate mice. I bought a cat just to be free of them.

You did a great job on your talk.

Very cute pictures.
Cami said…
Oh wow. That was quite a weekend. We have a mouse issue about every 6 months or so. I have seen them running around, then I just make Jake set traps. ONE TIME (the very first time) it came up into our room. That really grossed me out. But wonderful Jake always sets the traps at night and then goes down and takes care of them in the morning so I never have to see the little things. We use only sticky traps. They work the best. Anyway, good luck with that!

Your party looks great!! And your talk was great too.
Julia said…
I'm doing two separate comments for topic reasons. First, Thank You so much for your sweet comments on my blog. You are so kind. Raegan is so adorable! I just love these photos of Raegan.. By the way, since I'm far away I've never heard you pronounce her name. Is it RA-gen like Tate or RE-gen like eat or Re-gen like in Meg?

Sounds like Teralyn had a blast at her slumber party. You guys are such fun parents! I wish I could've heard your talk. I'm sure you did a fabulous job. But, Wow, 5 years! Wish I had that kind of luck. We move around so much that it would never work for me. I was surprised when I gave a talk in Col 2nd 2 years after my first one. To that point I hadn't been in a ward long enough to have the 2nd opportunity to roll around. Maybe it's finally time to settle down.
Julia said…
"...But Cinderellee likes mice!" Oh, I so feel for you. I lived in an apartment above a restaurant in Paris & I still remember seeing a little mouse run on top of my granola box. Needless to say, I lost 10 pounds from not eating.

We had a few mice over 5 years ago. Paul became an expert terminator really fast. So glad he "outsmarted them" 5 years ago. Here are a few things he learned.

1. Mice are very habitual- so place the traps & bait where you have heard them or seen droppings. They usually come back to the exact same spot they've been before.

2. Find out how they got in & either fix the hole or put bait outside their entrance to get rid of them before they enter your house. (I was told once that a mouse can squeeze through a hole the size of a pencil).

3. Mice almost never just go away on their own. I was told mice run along walls & corners, so check for droppings or nesting signs there to make sure they're gone.
Mice also like laundry, & water (under sinks)- so check for droppings there too.

4. Electronic devices to scare them away do not work. They only scatter them throughout & make their actions less habitual.

The Columbia, MD stake Center had a major problem with mice for over a year. Terminators only placed traps and caught a few, but you really have to get at the real problem to get rid of them before they multiply. I hope these tips help you or anyone else out there because those few months were a nightmare. Good luck in "outsmarting them!"
Corinne said…
Tera's birthday looks like a lot of fun!
Joni said…
Hey, that's what home teachers are for! I would have called them so fast and told them to come be my husband for the day! I haven't had a mouse yet. I will be wearing sneakers in the house, too, when the day comes.

That was quite the week, Brenda. It's fun to see Raegan and to know that Sara will be doing the same things in a month or so.
Jeri said…
I can't believe the nerve of that mouse. He came in your ROOM! Unbelievable. I would have died!

You need to ask Tamela about the mouse cube. Seriously, sounds right up your alley. It doesn't harm the mouse, and you don't have to "set" it.

We had mice last year in our basement. They enjoyed eating my food storage. (Grrr!) I thought it was one mouse, nope....we caught eight!

I already told you, but you did a great job on your talk!
Christie said…
I loved your mouse story... I thought for sure you were gonna catch him in the end. I enjoyed your talk, what I caught of it... (grrr) and Your pictures are SO SO cute. What a beautiful baby. Good luck with the mouse, my snake aint lookin so bad now eh?
Julia said…
My, what an eventful week you had! Mice, parties, all sorts of things! You survived, but like Joni said, next time call your home teachers. And your talk was really good, no worries!
Julia said…
-K- I know you've heard enough, but I just want you to have reassurance if they are truly gone. So, just one more tip. When I said mice are habitual that also means they usually only come out when your house is routinely quiet. For example if you have a usual scheduled nap time the same time every day or times when all the kids leave for an hour or so. For the most part they are nocturnal & you'd only see them at night or early morning. Unless during the day you have a daily routine time when it's usually quiet. Otherwise they stay away from noise. So, if you want real assurance that your mouse is gone, listen during those routine quiet hours. If you hear nothing in the middle of the night or nap time & see no signs of droppings or nesting you've kicked 'em. Which I hope is the case for you.
Oh, and if you do use the sticky trap kind (add cheese or PB) you have to know where it's regular path is. I've heard of kinds that don't hurt the mouse, but if it's still alive it will remember how to get in your house so take it atleast over 100 yards away. I'm just glad I never had to see one in a trap, thanks to Paul.

I mentioned before that they usually run along walls, couches, & corners so you don't have to worry too much about wearing tennis shoes. They're not going to jump out in the middle of the floor. Although, I'm a germ freak so, I steam cleaned, lysoled, & bleached everything after those 2 months were over. Man, I'm glad it was so long ago. I hope it really is over for you!
Jenni said…
EEK!! I would have totally freaked!! It's so funny to think we were at the same Hairspray showing - we should have double-dated!:)
Kellie said…
In the middle of all that, you gave a really beautiful talk Brenda. I so appreciated it. And I'm so glad you wrote down the story of the mouse. That is a classic. I hope he leaves you in peace.
Mendy said…
Brenda, I'm sorry about the mouse. I know your pain. I just can't live with rodents!

Your girls are just so beautiful. I am glad Tera had such a great party.
Deb said…
1. i hate mice too. blech!

2. your talk was really fantastic on sunday. i didn't get a chance to tell you then, but it really spoke to me, so thanks.

3. seriously, raegan is so strong! she'll be really to toss around my squishy little 4-mo-old soon! :)

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