Sleeping Through the Night?

For the last three days Raegan has slept through the night. Yes, that is what I said. For the first time in her life, she has slept a full eleven hours without waking up to eat. I consider this her biggest and greatest milestone. Finally, finally, just before her year birthday (on the 18th) I am not waking up to nurse her in the night.

I am so excited about this. This is the milestone that all mothers wait for. The day that they will finally be getting sleep again. My sweet husband has tried and tried to get me to not feed her in the night, but when you are so so tired, and you know that if you just nurse her, she will go back to sleep, then it's so much easier. So after months and months of this nursing session, it starts to weigh on you and drag you down and that is when you just have to say, "I've had enough". So, the other night I told myself I was going to do it. I got my earplugs ready, shut my door and slept (well, kind of). I was so worried about her all night that I didn't really sleep, but when she cried in the night, Brian went right in, put a binkie in, and left. She cried for all of two minutes and didn't make another peep until 7:30! Who would have thought that it would be that easy? Granted, we have tried this before (a few months ago) and it didn't work, but I had no idea that it would have EVER worked. I was preparing myself for some major battles.

So, now I am actually getting a full night sleep for the first time in....well, before I was pregnant and it feels so so so good. (:


Christie said…
woo hoo. That is GREAT news!! How wonderful is it to get a good sleep! In turn you get your evenings back too cuz you don't have to rush to bed.
Last night i got 9 hrs. Granted, we were so busy running around yesterday Emma slept about 10 times for 15 minutes each, so she was exhausted..... (i don't know about your kids, but if my babies get too tired, it's hard for them to get to sleep and stay that way.) So about 9:30 she fell asleep, and didn't get up until 6:30. Of course, like you, i didn't sleep very soundly, waiting.
I hope you get many many many more of those. At least unitl the next baby!
Joni said…
I'm singing a little song for you. It is wonderful! I know exactly what you mean about just going ahead and nursing in the middle of the night. Those hormones kick in (don't abandon baby!) and the other nursing hormones coax you into doing it.

I nursed Caleb at night until he abruptly quit altogether. I've stopped nursing Sara so much in preparation for my trip to Prague and I've been surprised at how she quit waking up at night in the process. Who can say how it all works? But to get a full night's sleep!!!
Meg said…
Woo hoo!! I can totally relate to the nursing at night thing. One day I'm going to have to be more willing to not let Kiree sleep in my bed, nursing at will, than I am tired. But that day is not today, at least probably not. But congratulations!
Jenni said…
Yay for you!! That is a huge milestone! And I can't believe that she is already almost 1!! Wow the time is speeding by!:)
Cami said…
Nice job! Oh my. The last two posts I've read have been about babies sleeping at night. I am getting frightened to bring my little one home!! This is not good hospital reading!
Julia said…
Oh, my goodness, a year without sleep. I only had one of my babies that was like that. I feel for you. I can't believe she's almost 1! Oh, and I would love to send you an iceberg shake for your strep too. If only it wouldn't melt on the way....
Tracy said…
Well, I guess it's time for another baby now that this one is trained. Get busy...
Deb said…
hooray! congrats! this is my favorite milestone, too!
Amber said…
That is so great! I love it when that starts to happen!!

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