
I am dying to go running again. I know that sounds crazy, but it's amazing how much it helps me to feel good about myself. I started it last March (almost a year ago), took off for a few months for a sprained ankle, but have come back and am finally loving it. Okay, I shouldn't say "loving it". It's hard, and sometimes I want to quit. Some days are harder than others of course, and sometimes I have to take one step at a time to meet my goal, but it always feels so good when I do. The ice and rain are the hardest times for me, and I have to say if it wasn't for my husband who rolls me out of bed every morning it would be much tougher.

My goal is a half marathon. No, I'm not quite halfway there, but almost... I am getting so I can do almost four miles a day. Now, I need to get past that point. One of my biggest problems is time. I go at 6:30 in the morning, but need to be back in enough time for Brian to go to work. I can't go much earlier (it's pretty dark even at 6:30), I am already pushing day light. Hmmm.... maybe treadmill will be in my future.

So, for the past couple of weeks I have had a cold or allergies or something, and I haven't been running. It's amazing the change in my attitude. It seems it affects every part of my life. When I run I feel better about myself, and this helps me treat my family better, then they feel better about themselves, thus being more productive in their work, friends, etc. etc. Who knew that running go do such a thing. I guess there are a lot of people who know that, it just took me a little longer. Well, I guess I'm finally on the band wagon (as soon as I get over this cold!!).


Cami said…
Oh Brenda I am SO right there with you. Between my illnesses, Christmas, and the kids being sick, I've only gotten a handful of workout days in the last month!! I was just getting back into it again for real when Janey got sick AGAIN!! Ugh. I am sorry. Maybe someday we'll get to choose what we do with our own lives, eh?
Kel said…
I am definitely not a runner, but I feel the same about how much of an impact feeling good about yourself has on every aspect of your life. Maybe when I am back in the area we could play a little volleyball!
samI LOVE to run. It is my favorite thing to do. I am at a solid 5 mile, and sometimes I can do 6. My problem, 6 miles takes me 60 minutes, and I don't have more than an hr to run. SO, looks like I may stay at the 6 mile mark.
Joni said…
You are sharing all my same thoughts on the gym. I become very cranky if I can't get to the gym every night after the kids' bedtime. It is my own personal Joni time -- and I get to feel so virtuous and skinny afterward! I COULD NOT go running in the morning though. It would totally kill me. I don't like to run that much and I'm afraid of dogs, and cold, and falling... the list goes on. It's great that you like it because it sure is cheaper than the gym!

Do you ever try cross-training? One thing about lots of running is repetitive injuries since running is so intense. Or you could run shorter distances but incorporate sprints. It's called fartleking. (!) Run your normal pace, sprint for 15 or so seconds, get back to your normal pace, repeat. I tried this on the track at Nampa Rec and I couldn't walk right for two days!
Jenni said…
Wow, 4 miles a day is great!! I'm a brisk walker myself.:) I wish I loved running tho!
Tracy said…
Good for you! That's amazing to me that you do 4 miles in the cold. I could never go out in weather like this. I have a treadmill you're welcome to come run on any time. Dinner was so fun last night. I'm glad you and Brian came!
Elizabeth said…
Remember running around Snow? Once around campus was a mile. I usually work out after I get Caleb off to school. I want to get up earlier because I have a two year old helper at that time, but I would have a shorter amount of time to work out in order to get Caleb to school. How do you get your kids ready in time?
erin sheely said…
I am so impressed by runners! I don't even want to leave the house in the morning let alone run in it. You go!
Deb said…
i'm glad you have found something you enjoy doing and hope you get back to it soon. the cold weather has seriously dampened my enthusiasm for exercise, but i hope it returns soon!

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