Home sweet home!

So, I haven't written for a while, but it's been a crazy week trying to get caught up with everything after my trip! I didn't count on being so jet lagged for about five days. All I wanted to do was sleep. It could also have something to do with this cold I have, or allergies or whatever it is. Anyway, things are looking up and I am finally getting my energy back. I actually woke up this morning feeling rested!! Yay!

As far as my family goes, it has been great being back with them. I think I lost a little of my patience (if I had any in the first place) in England. There were a few times this week when all that my kids wanted was their dad! I guess I should be grateful that they had such a good time with him while I was gone. I keep hearing about the "party" that they had where they got to eat Wendy's for lunch and pizza for dinner! Wow, they will remember that forever I think. Brian doesn't fail to remind me though, that he made them great dinners the rest of the week. My only stipulation when I left was that he gave them at least one vegetable a day. I came back to a fridge full of vegetables! I'm not sure if he actually fed them to the girls, or just bought them right before I got home. (:

The other great thing that Bri did when I got home was have our house spotless!! I was very impressed that he cleaned all of the bathrooms, vacuumed all of the floors, and even did all of the laundry! I don't think our house has been that clean since we moved in. He also had a wonderful dinner for me that I could tell took him tons of time. The girls were happily playing outside and he had even done their hair (or at least tried to)! My neighbor (Sarah) mentioned to me later that she was watching Bri run back and forth from the little hill (where the girls were playing) to our house all day. She asked Shay what he was doing and Shay said, "dad won't let us play inside because he's trying to clean the house". How funny!! Anyway, I am very grateful for such a wonderful husband!!!

Now that things are a little more normal in my life, I am trying to get ready for baby #4. I have put off a lot of things that I needed to get ready, and now I only have about eight weeks left, so I think I should get going. Bri had been working on our unfinished bathroom in the basement and didn't kill himself putting the electrical work in!!! He is now trying to get the plumbing done, hmmm..... we will see how that goes. We are trying to crunch it all in before my mom comes in May. We shall see....


Corinne said…
What a good husband!!! He deserves some kind of reward for that. I think it makes it so much nicer to come home to a happy house, don't you? You are going to be a mommy of four SO SOON!!!
Cami said…
Wow! Clean house!! What a nice husband. They did really good didn't they?
Jenni said…
I agree with Corinne and Cami, Brian is a super nice hubby! I am seriously impressed with the cooking and cleaning.

Good luck with all your baby preparations. Its about this time (2 months before) that I always felt that urge to "nest". I remember going wacky, cleaning and labeling everything right before Sophie was born. :)
Jeri said…
YAY! What a sweet husband to clean for you. It makes all the difference in the world.

I saw Ashton in the Nursery with "Daddytails". That is a daddy version of piggytails. She looked so cute! (She talked to me quite a bit, and it made me so happy!)

I need to call you about setting up meals for you! It is coming up quick!

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