I need a good book!

Okay, so now that I ended my life with "New Mooon" I need some other sappy book to keep me going! I just finished it this morning (put off reading the last couple chapters as long as I could) and now the wait is on for the next one!

So, what I really need right now are some good suggestions for other good books. Twilight and New Moon totally kept my interest, so anything with vampires in it... just kidding. Really if you have any suggestions, that would be great!

It's probably a good thing that I'm done. I've put off a lot of things and my house is showing it! I watched a little girl yesterday and she commented on how messy my house was. It was then that I put down my book for a minute and cleaned up the kitchen (: Maybe it's best I took a little time off from reading... Maybe not though.


Cami said…
Who needs a clean house?? Reading is way more fun.

I suggest, I Capture the Castle (so you can laugh at how Leah loves to watch that movie with Joni), and also Sorcery and Ceclia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot (which has a sequel). Those are sufficiently romantic and dramatic and fun but easy enough that the pregnant mind doesn't have to work too hard (not that I think you can't handle the harder stuff . . . ). Just come to my house and I will fill your arms with bucketloads of choices!
Joni said…
I second I Capture the Castle. It's pretty dense but I also really got absorbed by The Historian. And it's got vampires!
Jenni said…
Ooh Yeah the Historian and Dracula!! :) I went on a whole vampire kick and read them the same time as Twilight and New Moon. I must admit though they aren't quite as fluffy as Twilight.

If you want incredible FLUFF and non-thinking romantic fun, try First Love and Forever - its an Anita Stansfield LDS romance!! :)
Brenda said…
Thanks for the suggestions girls!! Those are great ideas. I think I will have to come and visit you soon Cami to get some....
Mendy said…
Jill had me read The Persian Pickle Club, a really cute and short novel about a quilting group! It is set in Kansas during the depression. It's a quick, fun read and I loved that it was about women who quilt together.

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