Pictures finally!

Brian with his three girls after my England trip

Pucker up those lips Ashty poo!!


Julia said…
I've said it before and I'll say it again--you and Brian make really, REALLY cute girls! Hope he's planning on investing in a baseball bat to keep all the boys off when they get older!
Cami said…
HA! Those lips. Do your girls know the "I Love My Lips" song from Veggietales? They are so cute.
Joni said…
It's good to read your posts! I'm so glad you're a blogger now:) Both you and Jake are coming across GOLDEN in the blogosphere. I'm going to have to tease Jeff about his total lack of cleaning in my absence.
Jann said…
Loved the pictures. Your girls are so cute.
Mendy said…
Your girls are so beautiful!
Jenni said…
What beautiful girls!! I agree with Julia - watch out for all the boys in a few years!! :)
Jeri said…
Three little beauties! YES...I agree with Jenni.

You'll have to invest in a gun, or a big dog, or something!!!! =)

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