All tied up... our Christmas tree that is.

It's kind of a catch up week again. But, I am trying not to do a huge blog all in one day so I will do some over a few days instead.

Every first Family Home Evening in December we go out to get our tree. We have gone to Home Depot every year, and this year we had thoughts of going to cut our own tree down, but as soon as we saw how cold it was, those thoughts were quickly washed away. So, we all headed down to Home Depot on the coldest night of the year so far. Well, because of the great weather, we were just about the only ones there! It made it great for picking out a great tree. After about forty five minutes of looking and turning down (oh, and making a potty trip in the middle), we finally decided on the fattest tree that we could find. We saw our friends from Columbia 2nd ward, the Laws, and they had come and gone before us. Oh well, we felt good about our fat little tree.

A couple nights later we decorated our tree and it looks just like a family's tree with four little kids who live there. We enjoy all the ornaments in one spot in the front. It really gives it character. Well, I guess the tree didn't enjoy it too much though because at 2:30 in the morning we hear a huge crash. Yes, the tree had fallen. I guess it was a little top heavy. Brian decided to tie it up. Yes, our tree is now tied to our wall. At least it won't fall again right?


Mendy said…
Love the new family pic, Brenda! It's great!

I remember my dad tying up the tree several years! I don't remember it ever falling, though. Maybe he just liked tying things up.

Your tree looks great!
Cami said…
That's CRAZY! Sorry your tree fell. Good luck keeping it up. I'll have to see this roped up contraption.
jenny-penny said…
Congratulations on such a beautiful tree! It looks sooo precious!
Julia said…
It looks like a beautiful tree! I bet it smells wonderful, too :)
Jenni said…
I love fat Christmas trees and yours is so cute!! I'm sorry it fell down, but happy that Brian was able to rig it to the wall - that must have been a little tricky!
Christie said…
LOL, too funny to tie the tree up!! We had that happen to a 14 ft tree at my parents house, the Ferret kept running up it and knocking it off balance.
Tracy said…
Great tree! You'll always remember this year as the falling tree year.
Jann said…
I love your tree. My kids always rearrange our ornaments. They definitely have their own idea of how the tree should look.
Deb said…
maybe all the ornaments on one side made the tree tipsy. :) i love the fat tree though, so pretty!
Julia said…
Last year in MD we bought a beautiful tree & took it home & it wouldn't stand up either. We looked closer at it & it looked like the spine had some kind of paralysis. Paul took it back to exchange it & they sure looked at him funny- but what do you do with a tree that can't stand?

Our tree has all the breakable ornaments at the very top & then our girls do all the decorating below. I loved your post because you're right- it's so much funner for them to get to do it, rather than worrying about having a perfect tree.

Oh, and Congrats on being Compassionate service leader. I don't envy you one bit. I served in that calling for about a year here & WoW!- You have your hands full.
Kellie said…
I love your tree. Ours still looks like a family tree with all the kid ornaments taking center stage. I'm not sure I'd ever want a perfect, decorator tree. Last year, we got our first tall tree thanks to our new addition. We forgot we would need a bigger stand and it fell over a couple of days after we put it up. We got a new stand that night.

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