Chitty and the Orchestra...

You know that old movie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, with the flying car? Well, my kids love it. Okay, Bri and I do a little too. But my kids absolutely love it!! You know, it seems the really old cheesy movies are the ones that my kids love the best. Hmmm.... go figure. I guess I am a little on the old fashioned side too, in a way.

Anyway, about that movie, we decided to break the bank a little this year and go see the musical at the Hippodrome Theater in Baltimore. We got our tickets about three months ago (before the Christmas crunch) and waited patiently for it to come. Well, we finally got to see it and it was awesome!! I guess I thought we broke the bank a little more than we did though, because I thought I remembered buying pretty good seats, but it turns out we were third from the top! Yes, it was so so crowded for our long legs, but since no one sat in front of us we just stretched out. It was great, and totally worth it. Our favorite part by far was when Chitty sails up in the sky and everyone cheers... Go see it if you ever get the chance, it was so fun!!

Okay the other fun thing we did the last couple of weeks is that we got to see Teralyn's first concert with her orchestra as a violinist. I have to say I wasn't expecting much when I asked Teralyn what they were going to play and she said, "my teacher said not to worry about the songs". I had to chuckle at that one. I really was surprised that they played anything to tell you the truth (since the practices have been a little.... absent), but they did very well on the songs, "The A note" and "The G Note". It was great I tell you, and I got some pictures to go with it!


Jenni said…
Yay for Tara! That's great!! And how fun that you guys went to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - I need to rent that movie and watch it with the kids!
Tracy said…
What a fun family experience! I wish I would've taken the kids to see Chitty. What a great talent Tara is becoming!
Elizabeth said…
I remember when I was in my elementary school orchestra. I thought we were soooo good! Then when my brother was in it and I had moved on I realized exactly how "good" we were.

My kids still havent' seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I'll have to rent that.
Cami said…
Hi, ho, everywhere we go on Chitty Chitty we depend . . .

Very fun!
Julia said…
She makes such a darling violinist! Paul's Mom teaches suzuki violin too & we just went to their Christmas concert. It just amazes me at how good they can be at such a young age. I would love to hear her play!! I can't remember, did you play violin when you were younger?

& Congrats on the spelling bee! You're right about it being about memorizing verbatim. Your post just brings back such memories that I haven't thought about for so long. I won 3 School spelling bees & went to district for each year. Man, I just remember all those days of memorizing each word!

Here they have a Geography bee too & I just can't wait for Mickayla to enter it next Spring. The most important thing for us is to take out the intensity & keep it fun.
Jann said…
That is awesome. Good for her.

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