65% of people spend more time with their personal computers than their spouse...

So the other day I read or skimmed, rather, an article that said sixty something percent of people spend more time with their personal computers than their spouse. It made me laugh and I thought, "hmmm... we'll never be like that. I like my spouse too much".

Well, I think it has happened. Since we got our new computer, we now have two computers up and running at our house, so that means we can both be on at the same time. Okay so, I am not really into the lastest and greatest of everything, but Bri has been wanting this computer for so long and I thought he deserved it (since everything we buy is usually for me). Of course, I didn't want a new computer, I mean who would want to spend my days blogging or checking email, or even shopping. (:

Well, to be honest, it's been great, but I am not sure if it's improving my relationship with my spouse or not. Of course the obvious answer would be that it's not. Why would it be? I mean if I spend less time with him than it's got to be doing the opposite right? Well, actually it very well could be improving it. When our kids are in bed at night we each go to the computer, do our blog or our programming (he's doing it for fun at home since he doensn't get to do it at work), and we are enjoying our time with eachother (in the same room, does that count?). Instead of being resentful that the other person is on the computer when we need or want it, we can both be on at the same time. The other thing we used to do is not get on it at all in the evening because that would mean one person is stuck doing laundry or bills and the other is doing email, blogging, or programming (the fun stuff). Well, now we have the best of both worlds and we are doing it together.

Don't get me wrong, we still enjoy eachother's company, but not until we have had our time with the computer. (:


Jeri said…
I totally get this. I have always said "Buying a digital camera was the best thing for our marriage." Lincoln used to be on the computer ALL the time. Then I just joined him, because of all the photo shopping. Now I am on the computer ALL the time, and he hardly is on his PC.

Our computers are in the same room too!
I totally get this too! I read somewhere that even being in the same room while you work on seperate projects is good for your marriage. :)
Christie said…
Hey, thanks for the new argument towards another computer :-) He he. We're looking at Macs what do you think of yours?
Cami said…
Well, of COURSE I do. He's at work all day, and I'm on the computer. Then he comes home and he's on the computer while I teach lessons. I don't think it makes us spend less time together, though. We do have our "together" computer time. And if we are on separate computers, we are always in the same room. So it counts as both.
Cynthia said…
With us, it's the TV. I spent the year before our marriage without one. It was a rude awakening for me to find out how much the TV wedged into our couple time. I still have days where I'd literally throw it out the window if I didn't know he'd go out and buy another.
Brenda said…

I love our Mac! Bri says every day how glad he is that we got it. The operating system is totally different, but it's great and lots of fun! (:
Meg said…
We've always had multiple computers (not great ones) and before we had kids we used to play computer games together. If we're both working on computers (they're not in the same room any more) then we often chat.
Julia said…
You remember the Schones, from C2? When Pat was working on his dissertation, they deliberately set up their computers in the same room. He would work on his dissertation and she would read Star Wars Fanfic. So funny. After he got his PhD, they didn't know what to do with themselves.
Julia said…
Well, before I just heap guilt upon myself for "computer time" I break it down to see what the computer is a tool for. Really it's a great means of social communication with friends around the world (blogging & emails) & it's the most incredible tool for digital photography & book making. Even blogging itself is journaling.

That said, I do try to make sure that it's not mindless surfing & that it doesn't take up more time than necessary. There have been many days when I limit computer time to an hour just so I don't get carried away.
Jenni said…
Every night Adrian and I have synchronized laptop time!:) It's nice to both have our own computers, taking turns when we only had one definitely led to more marital strife!:) So glad you guys are liking your mac!
I hear how couples go on "youtube" dates all the time, or at least like Jenni says, laptop dates. I think it sounds like a lot of fun!
Corinne said…
I think about this a lot. I like your thoughts Brenda.
Tracy said…
Now that my prince is traveling, it's either the computer or the pool boy to keep me entertained, and since I don't have a pool, I guess the computer wins.

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