Bag Tagged

I have been bagged tagged by Jenni, so here goes...
Here is my purse that I bought last year. It is so much bigger than my old one. I'm not sure how I carried around anything before. Now, I can carry around just about everything.

Anyway, here are the things I found in my bag...

3 diapers
baby spoons (2 of them. I was wondering where they all ended up)
baby change of clothes. (this is a necessity!)
cell phone
3 binkies (another necessity)
2 chapsticks
1 lone baby sock
hair elastic (you never know with four girls!)
baby toy
Aleve (just in case)
and lots of receipts (I left those out of the picture).

Yes, my purse has become a diaper bag with a few extras.....
Okay, I tag Liz, Elizabeth, and Dawn.


Cami said…
But hey, you're using a bag and not a babyfide backpack! It's very fashionable.
Nat said…
Hey that's a typical mom bag right! A little scary what might be in mine, maybe that's why I avoided this tag when given to me. :)
Jenni said…
Thanks for being "it" Brenda! You are a prepared mommy!! The 1 lone baby sock made me chuckle!:)
Tracy said…
It's all baby stuff! Chris laughed because we've all made it look so neat without all the papers we all have. If I need a pacifier, I know where to go.
Christie said…
I love the Alive, I need to keep meds in my purse.
Deb said…
we have that same fish! it's great for teething!

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