A Few Milestones....

Phew! After a week of fever and the flu, I am finally feeling better and up again. Brian has been great though and even stayed home for a few days to help me out. Anyway, it's been a crazy, busy week. We have had company from my cute sister in law, Michelle and the girls have really been enjoying her and so have we (especially during scripture study where they all sit on her lap and not mine!! Hee hee).

Also, this last week Raegan broke two teeth (finally!) and she learned to use the push toy to walk around a little. She also learned the joys of crawling on the dishwasher. Argh!

If you look closely, you can see that cute little tooth...

Okay, the other thing that happened is that we took our girls bowling! We had a blast. The girls were loving it and we got some cute pictures. The best part about it was watching Ashtyn. She would take her big old bowling ball, put it on the ground and give it a swift kick! We laughed so hard every time. I tried and tried to get a picture of that kick, but she just did it too fast. Sometimes the ball wouldn't make it all the way to the pins, so Bri would roll another ball to hit hers. (:

Shaylee would put her hand on her hips after each roll...


Cami said…
Very cute. My kids think bowling is done with a Wii controller. Sad. I can just see Shaylee doing her hands on hips thing. That is funny. I'm glad you're feeling better so we can finally celebrate your birthday!
Tracy said…
How fun to go bowling. We haven't been in so long. I hate the whole crawling on dishwasher stage. Good luck with that. Glad you're feeling better. We'll have to have a play date now that everyone is getting better.
Christie said…
cute bowling pictures. Im glad to hear that you are all up and doing better. What a hard week.
Emily said…
I loved bowling when I was little! What great memories. Glad you're feeling better.

Your cousin Emily (Dart)
Nat said…
Glad your feeling better. I too hate the dishwasher stage. I especially hate when they start turning it on! Bowling looks like fun. We haven't done that in awhile.
Jenni said…
Fun fun with the bowling!! Ha! I love that Ashtyn kicked the ball!:)
I am glad you are feeling better! Bowling looks lots of fun! Ammon and I bowl on the Wii. I definetly get a better score on that then I do on actual bowling. I can just see Ashytn kicking the bowling bowl! She is so dang cute!
Kellie said…
Great pictures! We put bowling on our family memory list this year. I can't wait!
Joni said…
Do you remember bowling with the Travellers? We were childless and Shay was probably in a carseat somewhere. I wish I knew what they were up to!

You have my sympathies on the flu. It really, really stinks to be sick with kids to take care of.
Brenda said…
You do such fun things as a family. It takes a lot of effort to do these things with a little family but it is so worth it. I admire you and Brian for the great job you are doing with your sweet little girls.
Jann said…
So sorry you weren't feeling well. It seems to be the time for it. It is going through our house too.

The bowling looks so fun.

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