Goodbye PT Cruiser!!!

So the past few weeks while our car has been getting fixed, we have been using a PT Cruiser for our rental car. When we first got it, we kind of cringed (we have always made comments about how much we don't like their looks...), and when Brian first drove it to work and I asked him how he liked it, he wasn't too happy about it. Well, as the time went on so did our opinion of the little car. Although I never did figure out how to manually turn on the dome light, there were some really cool features, for example, it tells you how many miles until you are out of gas (which is a huge benefit for me!). I actually learned to really like riding it. For some reason it felt like I was driving a little sports car. Although it looks pretty big, it felt really small. So, right when we were really getting used to the little thing, we get a call from the auto body shop saying our car is fixed.

You know, I should be really excited about this, our car is finally fixed and looks as good as new, but I am actually pretty sad. Now I don't get to drive a little sports car anymore (or at least in my mind a sports car), my kids aren't excited as much about my little shopping trips and now I can never make fun of the PT Cruiser again, because I actually liked it! Oh, another thing, I don't get to smell that new car smell.

When we turned it in yesterday and got our Mitsubishi Gallant back, I laughed so hard (to myself that is) when Brian said, "I wonder how much PT Cruisers cost?".


Cami said…
HA! How funny. Yes, things change over time. I used to hate cell phones, and now I just don't know WHAT I'd do without one! Same with big TVs.

Love the new look! I was browsing other templates myself the other day.
Tracy said…
How funny! Maybe Bri will buy you a new car Valentine's Day!
I love your new background. I will have to call and get some pointers. Love you guys!!
Meg said…
That is funny! Reminds me of when we rented an orange car. I thought it was ugly, but we all got kind of attached to it by the end. Jaide pointed out orange cars on the road for a long time- still does occasionally.
Christie said…
Your site looks so cute. Sorry about the PT cruser. And Horray for a fixed car!
Jann said…
This is so funny.
Jeri said…
I saw you driving this, and thought you looked cute in it! We had a PT cruiser for a rental too.
Jenni said…
Your new template is so cute! Sorry you had to say g'bye to the PT Cruiser - I think they're quirky so I like them too.:)
Nat said…
Hey Brenda! It was so fun to read on the Jewkes Blog about you and your family. Your girls are so beautiful. I think your oldest looks a lot like you! It will be nice to keep in touch this way. Feel free to drop by our site sometime. Have a great weekend.
Mendy said…
Um, Brenda, your van HAS that miles-until-empty feature, silly girl. Push the button up by the temperature and one of the numbers will be the calculated miles until empty.

I love your new background, too. How did you do that? I'm such a generic blogger.

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