Last day in San Diego...

On to the last day of vacation...

In the morning we packed all up and Bri left for his class. I let Raegan sleep for a while and then Reagan and I headed onto San Diego zoo. I debated whether or not to go because, well, it's not so fun when you are by yourself with just a baby who could care less about the animals. But, I had to check it out so I decided to do it.

Well, I'm glad we went. It was such fun to see, and such a cool zoo! With my ticket, we were able to ride on the bus tour that takes you all around the zoo from the bus. Basically, it takes out the walking. Raegan loved this part of it. She just stuck her head out the window and enjoyed the breeze. I liked it too, it gave me an idea of what I wanted to walk around and see.

So, after the bus tour we walked around for a few hours. It felt a little weird to be with just a baby who could care less, but it was such a fun zoo, that I had a great time anyway. We, (or I guess I should say I) especially liked the polar bear (who dove for a bone in the freezing water), the gigantic ant eaters, and the koala bears. Raegy liked.... the kids on the bus tour. Anyway, we had a great time. I parked really far away though, so we did a ton of walking and we were pretty dang tired at the end.

The pink flamingos were pretty cool too...

We then went and picked up Bri from his class and I just had to show him La Jolla, so we headed on out to the beach. It was beautiful again and one of the best parts of our whole trip. He got to see the seals and then we watched the sun set over the ocean. We stopped in at a little Thai food restaurant and ate outside on their deck while we watched the sun go down. Oh the Thai food... it was amazing! This was actually my first time trying it and I am determined to find a good Thai restaurant in Maryland now. I ordered a dish called Drenched Noodles. It had chicken, sprouts, onions, a few peppers, cilantro, and yummy noodles. I couldn't stop myself from saying "mmmm.. this is so good" through the whole thing (I guess I did because apparently that is what Bri told my kids that I said). I must have sounded like Bob in What About Bob.... hmm.. how funny. Anyway, it was wonderful.

Our hotel...

We then left to wait for our plane which was leaving at 10:30. Yes, that is 10:30 at night. We were doing a red eye. I know, call me crazy a red eye with a baby, but that was how it worked out with Brian's work, so I had to do mine the same. The flight was long, and very tiring with a baby on your legs for five hours, but at least Raegan slept and we got a few minutes. We changed planes for the last hour and a half and actually slept quite a bit on that one. Brian didn't even realize that we were in the air. That's how out of it we were at the end.

We were glad to be home and to see our little girls. Apparently all had gone really well and my girls and my mother in law all seemed quite happy (I'm not sure if that is because she knew she was leaving in a few hours or what), but we were glad to see smiles on their faces. The one major disaster they had though was the stomach flu. Yes, Ashtyn and Teralyn were both throwing up and my poor mother in law had a few nights of changing the sheets multiple times. How did we get so lucky to miss that I ask you? Anyway, thank you Marilyn for a wonderful time. She also was able to read to them The Little Princess. What a great memory they will have!

So here are the things that I love love love about San Diego:

* The sun! It was really hard to come home to a cloudy day!
* The weather. I could totally live in 70 degree weather all year long and be perfectly happy.
* The people. Yes, the people are totally friendly and kind and I had so many people help me in so many ways! Raegan also had a million people talk to her and she made quite a few buddies.
* The beautiful scenery. Oh, to have beautiful palm trees growing everywhere and bright purple wildflowers on the side of the road! Not to mention the many green rolling hills covered in perfect grass everywhere and the beautiful beaches!
* The kids. People have children and embrace them!!

The things that I could live without:

* The expense. Yes, it is even more expensive to live in San Diego than it is to live in Maryland.
* The clothing. Where is it??? I mean, they have a million clothing stores, you think people would wear more of it.... hmmmm.
* The feelings like, "I would be totally out of place in my minivan here."

Overall, it was great and I can't wait to someday go back, next time with my kids. For now, I am going to catch up on sleep...


Joni said…
You've made me homesick:) It was a really good place to grow up. If you head inland, you'd find plenty of places that are minivan-friendly. Definitely the coast and the city are a lot more cosmopolitan. Warm weather must make places kid friendly. They have a place to run around. I'm glad you had such a good time!
Julia said…
What a fun trip! I love the look you have in the photos- like you're totally livin' it up. I miss sunny weather & palm trees too.
Kellie said…
I loved reading all your California adventures. I'm so glad you got the time with Brian. The north and South really are like two different worlds. Even though we were in the same state, it was like you were in Boston and we were here! I'm so happy for your sis. That is really cool that our dear sibs both announced their engagements!

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