Wedding dress shopping....

Yesterday my three older sisters, my mom, my two sister in laws and my little neice went shopping for my sister's wedding dress. Yes, I was doing a little pouting since I was the only one who couldn't make it. I guess that's what you get when you live clear across the country. Anyway, she found one and I hear it is beautiful. I am so pleased for her.

My cute sister Dawn is one of the best people I know. She is continually trying to do what is right and I seriously don't know anyone who does a better job at it. But, at the same time, she enjoys life and has an awesome sense of humor! She definitely inspires me to be a better person.

Dawn has watched each one of her five siblings get married, and have families and it has been her greatest desire. I am so happy for her and can't wait for her wedding in
August. I also can't wait to be back with my cute siblings, and siblings in-laws.
Love you guys!

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My sisters: Erin (19 months older than me), Angie (5 years older than me), and Dawn (3 years older).


Jann said…
I do not like missing stuff like this. How fun for you sister.
Jenni said…
It is SO hard to live far away when things like this come up! I feel for you Brenda!! My sister in law just sent me videos of she and my sister going to the Hogal Zoo with their kids and I had those pangs of sadness that I wasn't there with them... Big congrats to your sister tho, that's great!!
Alison said…
I am so excited for Dawn. I hope that she comes to the reunion with her fiance so that we can all meet him. It must be hard to miss things like this. I'm sure that they all missed you.
Elizabeth said…
Congratulations Dawn! How exciting for her. I'm sure they wished you were with them.
Erin said…
Just to let you know, we really did miss you and we talked about you. And...if it makes you feel any better, Bekah didn't understand what was so fun about a girls day out.....SHOPPING! She thought it was going to be so fun and was very disappointed when all we did was walk around dress shops. To say the least, she was bored until she got to eat a really good meal. We love you lots Bren!
Tracy said…
Oh, what a bummer to miss a sister shopping trip. I love going with my sisters because all the different personalities come out. How great for you sister to find her Prince Charming! (I've been watching Enchanted all week)
Scarlett said…
OH how cute are your sisters!!! I don't know what it would be like to live away from family, but I can imaige it'd have to be hard. You just have to make the best of it, and blogging about them makes it seem like you're a little closer. I'm sure it'll be a lovely wedding! Wish you were there too!
Emily said…
Bummer that you had to miss the shopping trip :( We are SO excited for Dawn. She deserves the happiest ending anyone could ask for!
Cami said…
Brenda, I feel your pain. There are often pics of all my sisters and mom up on their blogs and I'm just not in them. How very sad.
Deb said…
wedding dress shopping is so fun. sorry you missed it!
Hey Brenda! We missed you on Thursday! The group just wasn't complete without you! Ammon and I are excited to see you guys in a couple weeks!
Christie said…
AWWW Sorry you couldn't go. I hate being away from family for events like that. :-(
Julia said…
Ah, it must be so fun to have so many sisters! Even though you are far away, it still sounds like you are such a part of their lives. Just think of the fun you'll have shopping one day with all your beautiful daughters!
Nat said…
Yeah for Dawn!! She really is one of the best people I know. She genuinly(is that right?) cares about everyone around her. I am so happy for her, and how sad for you not to be able to play with the girls!
I'm so glad you put this in your blog, Brenda. It's almost as if you were with us to have you be the one to write all the details. We really did miss you, Dear. This is a time when family is so fun. I'm glad at least you are coming back for the wedding, even though your family will be missed. Can't wait to see you in July. Love, Mom

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